Start Your Student on the Right Path
Get rid of stubborn b/d reversal problems-including reading transpositions and spelling mistakes. Reversal Repair features a unique combination of working memory intervention, multi-sensory practice, and essential motivational techniques to target the root cause of reversals. See results in fewer than 12 sessions and see lasting changes in just weeks. Children feel confident about their literacy skills when they master this basic skill.
Created specially for children with learning disabilities and difficulties like dyslexia and ADHD, this intervention is designed for targeted one-on-one intervention. If your students keep reversing the letters B and D past age 9, they need help. Effectively cut through letter confusion, while reinforcing key reading and literacy skills. Students have more important things to focus on than remembering their B’s and D’s.
Featuring 30 daily lessons, Reversal Repair is simple and easy to use. Perfect for busy parents, teachers, educational therapists, or tutors. Download today and you can get started in fewer than five minutes. Take the guesswork out of reversal intervention.
Reversal Repair At a Glance
- 30 Daily Lessons
- Fun, fast, and motivating activities
- Targeted handwriting, reading, spelling, and letter recognition instruction
- Designed to motivate reluctant learners
- BONUS! 2 free games
The Science of Letter Reversals
Discover how simple it is to use these research-based intervention techniques. Rapid Reversal Repair includes everything you need.

- Research-Based Memory Intervention. Recent research suggests that targeted intervention that builds working memory for letters may help children with letter reversals.1 In a randomized, controlled longitudinal study of handwriting treatment, researchers found that an effective treatment included children studying letters with specialized number cues and then writing these letters from memory.2 Our Memory Builder Exercise includes everything you need to use this type of intervention. Each daily lesson in Reversal Repair features this essential instructional technique.
“Reversals do not mean that [students] are not smart
or cannot be good readers and writers.”~Brooks, Berninger, and Abbot
- Time-Tested Instructional Techniques. For nearly a hundred years, dyslexia specialists have effectively used multi-sensory instruction.3 We give you simple, straightforward activities that tap the auditory, kinesthetic, and visual systems. Teach in a way that clicks, and watch learning accelerate.
- Motivational Strategies. Reinvigorate your students’ motivation. Each worksheet wraps up with a lighthearted maze to reinforce key skills and help students feel successful. Students are excited to come back for another day of practice! Use two of our most popular games in this program as a reward or send them home for extra practice.

“I knew I was on the right track when my students
starting asking to jump into another Daily Lesson!”
~Anne-Marie Morey, Reversal Repair Creator
Why Reversal Repair?
We’ve helped over hundreds of students take control of reversals. We know what works for children who learn differently. Experience the difference.
- Research Based. Kids who make reversals are almost always experiencing other challenges. They don’t have time for ineffective, inefficient instruction. That’s why we designed the Reversal Repair on the findings a randomized study4 led by one of the US’s foremost educational research innovators.
- Designed for Fidgety, Distractible, Reluctant Students. Kids who reverse letters may also experience executive function challenges like focusing, staying on task, and self-monitoring.5 Reversal Repair moves quickly to keep students engaged. It’s punctuated with games to keep kids excited.
- Enough Practice for Struggling Learners. We get it. Kids who learn differently just need more practice sometimes. That’s why there are 30 daily lessons.
What You Get
Reversal Repair is a 70+page downloadable PDF. You can print and go to get started in fewer than 5 minutes. No time-intensive prep. Download a PDF sample to see for yourself! Here are the included teaching tools you can look forward to:
- Memory Builder. Help build the memory necessary to correctly form lower-case Bs and Ds. In this intervention, the child studies the model letter and number cues. Then, she holds these visual cues in her mind and writes from memory. For children who reverse, this approach is one of the only research-based methods.6
- Target Word Reading. Kids who write their letters backwards almost always reverse while reading. This activity builds both decoding skills and reinforces correct b/d letter orientation.
- Letter Hunt. This provides focused, multi-sensory practice. Kids quickly scan a series of letters, circling only the letter b. This requires kids to hone their attention.
- Dictation. Children write dictated words and sentences. Since this requires a larger outlay of cognitive resources, it’s the essential piece in helping kids achieve mastery.
- Game. Each daily worksheet includes a kid-approved maze that engages and reinforces. This activity is designed to tap working memory, but it’s so fun, kids don’t know how hard they’re working!
Start Reaping the Benefits Today
Put our ideas to work. I invite you to use the button below to add the b/d Reversal Repair Workbook to your cart.
Research References1 Brooks, A. D., Berninger, V. W., & Abbott, R. D. (2011). Letter naming and letter writing reversals in children with dyslexia: Momentary inefficiency in the phonological and orthographic loops of working memory. Developmental Neuropsychology, 36(7), 847-868.
2 Brooks, A. D. (2003). Neuropsychological processes related to persisting reversal errors in dyslexia and dysgraphia. Dissertation Abstracts International, 63(11-A), p. 3850.
3 Berninger, V. W., & Wolf, B. J. (2009). Teaching students with dyslexia and dysgraphia: Lessons from teaching and science. Baltimore, ME: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.
4 Brooks, A. D. (2003). Neuropsychological processes related to persisting reversal errors in dyslexia and dysgraphia. Dissertation Abstracts International, 63(11-A), p. 3850.
5 Brooks, A. D., Berninger, V. W., & Abbott, R. D. (2011). Letter naming and letter writing reversals in children with dyslexia: Momentary inefficiency in the phonological and orthographic loops of working memory. Developmental Neuropsychology, 36(7), 847-868.
6 Berninger, V. W., Rutberg, J. E., Abbott, R. D., Garcia, N., Anderson-Youngstrom, M., Brooks, A., & Fulton, C. (2006). Tier 1 and Tier 2 Early Intervention for Handwriting and Composing. Journal Of School Psychology, 44(1), 3-30.