Do you work with older elementary students who reverse their letters? Do you know middle school students who still invert the letters b and d? This free book of worksheets and activities is for you!

This eighteen-page download includes 5 free activities for teaching correct letter orientation for the letters b and d:
- Activity 1 – Handwriting Practice
- Activity 2 – Visual ID Game
- Activity 3 – Finding Letters
- Activity 4 – Word Reading and Dictation
- Activity 5 – Sentence Reading and Dictation
Each activity includes detailed instructions as well as content-rich activity pages.
In case you missed it, my previous post, What Tigers Can Teach Us About Letter Reversals, is an exploration of why letter reversals happen, and some of the best-researched interventions for teaching children correct letter orientation.
You can join the Bay Tree Blog mailing list to receive access to our Free Downloads Archive, which includes The Eliminating Letter Reversals Workbook for b and d. Please use the form below to sign up.
If you enjoy using these materials with your students, I’d love to hear from you in the comments. Please share with friends and colleagues by sending them to: <>.

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Hello, I am not able to subscribe to your blog. Can you give me any suggestions on how to be successful?
This addresses the most common letter reversals, but do you have anything for a child who reverses all letters and writes right to left? I’m looking for worksheets or ideas. Thanks!!
That’s a great question, Ellen. If you know a child who is reversing all of their letters and writing from right to left, I’d recommend contacting an occupational therapist. In my educational therapy practice, I haven’t seen a student who reverses all of their letters. Hope this helps.
I used to mirror write as a kid! My parents thought there was something horribly wrong. But, I figured it out and then used my “talent” to write secret notes to my friends. Got straight As in engineering in college. I’m left handed, can still mirror write and use it to impress my kids. I have a b-d 9-p reverser.
Awesome story, Rebecca. Thank you for sharing.
How do I get a password to download the letter reversal packet?
Just subscribe to the blog, and you’ll receive all of the in downloading the letter reversal packet. Hope you find it useful!
I need help downloading the entire Reversals workbook. I can only download the first actvity. Thank you!
Good day, thank you so much for the freebie, I am a teacher as well as a mom of a 6 year old who confuses the b and d and I thought that she had a reading disability but after reading your blog I can *sigh of relief* and say she is normal I just have to try something different. Thank you so much I will try this out and let you know the outcome.
I downloaded your reversal packet. Thank you. Just curious why there is only handwriting sheets for b and not d? Thanks!
Hi Kara — Thank you so much for using the materials! We find that students who focus on mastering one letter tend to do better than students taught the letters simultaneously. We’ll be unrolling a multi-week, full b/d reversal packet (70+ pages) later this fall that covers both b and d.
Ok that clarifies things. I’m a certified HWT tutor and an associate in training with AOGPE and we teach these letters far apart too 🙂 I’ve enjoyed reading your blog.
Hello, I like your web site. And I would like to get material support for children with ADHD I am a psychologist
thank you… I am working very hard with my 7 year old (first grade) and he is doing much better but still struggling with P and D and B. Overall, both upper and lower case. We are in OT but wanted something to help me at home.
Thank you!
I’m so glad you found this to be a helpful tool to supplement the OT.
My son reverses his b/d and is soon entering in the fifth grade. I’ve asked his school to test him for dyslexia but because he’s progressed so much they don’t feel that it’s necessary. Do you think just working with him on this packet will help or should I consult with his pediatrician?
I can see why you’re concerned Noemi. Generally, children going in to fifth grade no longer reverse numbers or letters. If you have concerns about your child’s spelling and reading, in addition to the reversals, it might be a good idea to seek out more information about dyslexia. Do know that many, many children with dyslexia are able to compensate for their literacy challenges and make good progress. Red flags continue to emerge over the years despite this progress.
I recommend parents visit the International Dyslexia Association’s website. They have a very brief Dyslexia Screener for School-Age Children.
I’d recommend reading over an article I wrote on the connections between number reversals and dyslexia.
Do you have any guidelines as to how long to work on each activity before going on to the next? A week, two weeks, until mastery? And does the student work on the activity in a session, then take it home for homework once they know the task procedure? Just a few implementation questions I had.
Huge thanks for simple materials that aren’t covered in childish clip art! My adult literacy students don’t need cute, cuddly animals; they need materials that are clear and non-distracting. I appreciate your work.
Thanks, Melisa! I think all of our students, adults and children alike, deserve materials that respect their maturity and intellectual talents.
Thank you for this helpful resource!
Hi Anne Marie, your blog is extremely helpful! Would love to be added to your subscriber list. Thanks