Five Games You Can Use Today To Skyrocket Student Success

Growing Engagement Through Games (

When students come to work with me, I ask them to do the tasks that are hardest for them.  Then I ask them to do those tasks again and again.   All this after a full day of school, where these same students fight tooth and nail to keep up with their classmates.

I can’t help but feel complimented when my students run down the hallway and burst through the office door to see me (…to the frustration of the accountant and architect next door.  Sorry about that!).   Bar none, the biggest reason my students are excited about our educational therapy sessions – games.  Kids love games.  We know this, but it can be easy to forget the power of play.

We all know that academic learning time (ALT) is hugely important.  Some research indicates that kids only spend about 20% of their day successfully engaged in academic tasks (Archer & Hughes, 2010).  Twenty percent.  Good heavens!  Think about it – kids feel successful and excited when playing, which in turn boosts their attention and retention.  Games are the secret sauce for ALT.   This is why I want to share with you five of the top-requested, most-played games I use every week in my practice.

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